
Okay, What If...

I don't know what I'm doing here.

I'm currently at work reading various gossip sites which have led me to certain "notorious" bloggers - e.g. "Rance" (http://captainhoof.tripod.com/blog/) - and I thought to myself, "Okay, What if I started my own blog? Would anyone care?" Probably not, but what the hell. If nothing else comes from this, I'll still get the benefits of keeping a journal. Mind you, it has NEVER been in my make-up to keep a regular journal, (I can't even remember to take a multi-vitamin everyday...) so we'll just have to see how this goes. It could totally be a new and fulfilling endeavour, or it could end up languishing in literary no-man's-land along with past journal keeping efforts. And, well, if anyone happens to stumble across my online yammerings and sticks around to read them, all the better.



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