
Get Off My Back, Already!

People, okay, one person, have complained that I have not posted enough lately. Well, I gotta work or else how's a girl gonna buy a new pair of shoes? But this aft, the cats are away, so I will play.

Problem is, I don't have anything to write about. Well, there have been 2 things I could have written about, but I've already sent (some of) you an e-mail regarding those topics - e.g. E-mailing back and forth and back and forth and back and forth again amongst a group of close friends is universal and not unique to my "Joy Luck Club." Also, on how I'm getting fed up with certain people I work with. Otherwise, it's all about the work, bebes!

I've also been working on a script. Since I've already mentioned that you can find me on the Internet Movie Database, that shouldn't be a surprise to any of you. We're all working on scripts, and yes, the cliche is true, we all want to direct too. At this point, it is still mostly in my head, but I've been writing down notes as I think of important details. I have to because my mind is a sieve! I've been trying to write something - a novel, a script - for over 5 years now, but I usually just start writing without a full formed idea in my head. I'm great with beginnings, and okay with the ends, but i really suck at middles. Therefore, this time I'm taking my time. I want it to be more than just a "concept" before I get to the serious task of writing the first draft. I want a story. That might be asking a little too much out of person who can't even commit to keeping up a simple blog, but there is alway hope.

See you sitting High up in the stands while I'm down on the red carpet really


At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice ending!


- rpr

At 5:31 PM, Blogger highbrow said...

thanks, but it's starting to get difficult to think up new ones....

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sure all who read your entries, appreciate all of the hard work and thought that you put into your signoff's


At 10:18 AM, Blogger a.a. said...

i was wondering why u weren't posting and then i realised i still had the old addy. but i switch to this one and u only have two postings since. i like you're sign-offs and appreciate the effort u put into them.

keep em coming, along with those quirky tales and gripes that only u can tell



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