
Stepford Me

I now know why I was so annoyed today.

There are certain things that a girl cannot share with her blog. It is with these things that the only people I can turn to are a small handful of friends with whom I would trust my life. I had just finished speaking to one friend, trying to analyze every possible reason as to why I was so annoyed, when I immediately began the entire tirade all over again with a second friend. I thought maybe I'd figured it out, but still, something wasn't sitting right with me. It was then the second friend simply said, "Maybe you feel like you've been replaced."

I've been replaced.

Eureka! That is exactly what I feel like. This is the reason I've been irked with the entire world all day. But even with this revelation, I'm not quite satisfied because there seems to be something else - something almost contradictory - at work in my feeble mind. And I think it is this: on some level, I want to be replaced. Or at the very least, I want to want to be replaced. (No, that's not a typo. Think of it as "in love with being in love.") Because that would force me to move on. I'm not saying that makes me feel any better about being replaced, it doesn't, but maybe this is for the best? My wise friend went on to say that the novelty of the "Stepford" usually wears off with time. I can make my peace with either outcome.

(the Stepford me)


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