
Under Pressure

I just looked up the lyrics to Queen's "Under Pressure," but they do not actually reflect my topic.... Oh, well, here goes....

Pressure from Work: Work is super crazy. We've undergone some "restructuring" so that increases my personal workload by about 150%. That's not a bad thing, I suppose. It keeps me busy, fuh suhr, but still sucks big ones. I don't really know what I meant there...Chalk it up to the stress.... Actually, I can't be all that busy if I've wasted today on personal e-mails, picking new ringtones for my new mobile ("In Da Club" "Charlie's Angels Theme" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind Theme"), and writing this entry. Or maybe, just maybe, they've finally broken me and I simply cannot go on. Nah, it's definitely the not-really-too-busy thing. However, I do work a standard 12 hour day, so to be busy with actual work every single minute would be "super crazy."

Pressure from Friends: (Speaking of "Friends," you can now pre-order the 8th complete season on DVD at Amazon! Woo!Hoo! Okay, so I'm the only one excited about that....) This comes from all sides! When are you going to update your blog? Plan my wedding for me. No, do it for me! Actually, I jest. I like this kind of pressure. If my friends didn't keep asking me when I was posting next, I probably wouldn't keep up this blog. And regarding the wedding planning, well as T put it, JLo's got nothin' on me! It's like a hobby for me. I figure if I'm going to be on the internet all day anyway, I might as well do something useful with my time.

Pressure from Parents: Speaking of weddings, when is mine going to be? Good question. If you figure out the answer please call my parents and let them know. Their dying to find out!

Pressure from Myself: Tick, tick, tick...

Pet Peeve #4: Google. Don't get me wrong. The only search engine I use is Google. (Insert giant "BUT" here) It doesn't show my blog*spot as a result for a search containing words in my addy. This wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't already know Google ran Blogger! MSN & Yahoo! had me in their system in a matter of hours (okay, days), but my boss, so to speak, don't know me from Adam! Actually, I'm not being fair...Goggle started to list me as a result, unfortunately I also decided to change my url, so now I'm back to square one! Grrrr! Makes me so angry you might as well call me Calico Jenny Rackhem! (Sorry, inside joke. Take this quiz and then you'll be in on it too!)

Confucius Says: Pressure's like caffeine. First you feel High then crash


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