More Theories About Men & The Women Who Luff Them
I was reading back a couple of months worth of posts just to see if there was anything TOO incrimination before I forwarded the blogsite to a co-worker friend of mine. I don't usually do that - hand out my site's address to co-workers unless they no longer live in the country - but I trust him to keep my secrets and think maybe he won't really come visit.... You'd better be able to keep my secrets, hue!Anyway, back to my original point. I was scrolling back when I noticed that I told y'all that I had some more theories about relationships, akin to the pretty-dulls vs. ugly-funnies, that I wanted to share with you but didn't have time at the time. But now for the life of me, I cannot remember what those theories were. So in the interest of keeping me busy and you entertained, I will try and come up with some.
Now it might seem funny-weird (not "haha") to some of you that I have so many of these theories about the relationships between men and women, for as you very well know, I am NO Carrie Bradshaw. Nor even the lesser (in my opinion) Candace Bushnell. In fact, I am quite the opposite. In fact, I am a homebody who has had few real-life experiences in which to base my findings. In fact, I have garnered many opinions on the matter through my observations, of which I have made many.
At play, I have observed my friends' relationships.
At work, I have observed the way men think and act around eachother. (I work with "guy's guys" who tend to forget that I am a WOman and not one of them.)
At home, I have "observed" a lot of television which, by the way, should not be pishawed by the likes of you! (The reason many relationship "issues" keep getting rehashed on tv is because these "issues" are prevalent in "real life" which is why the shows are so "relatable" to most.)
At forced appearances at family functions, I have observed my family's marriages, the ups, downs and in-betweens; for I am the last singleton among them.
In addition to all of the observing, I am very curious about the human condition. I once had short-lived dreams of becoming a Psychiatrist, that is until I realised I'd have to do over 7 years of medical school and had no affinity for biology. (And to my young mind, a psychologist just didn't cut the mustard.) I know I'm going to sound like I'm tooting my own horn, but I think that although I didn't have the affinity for biology, I do have it for analyzing the psyche. I love to ask people "Why?" and "What if?" I think I am a good at reading people. True, my first impression is not always the right one, but I think (after time and exposure) I am open-minded enough to reassess and change my initial impression. Huh....Thinking about it now, I realize that I probably preceive most first impressions to be negative due to of my aforementioned pessimism and cynicism. Interesting....
Anyway, I'll marinate over the "issues" (and have actually begun to formulate my next post) and get back to you.
Highbrow('s) thinking.
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