
Grow As A Person

I'm turning 30 in a couple of weeks. Heading to NYC with my chicas for the big event. I had planned on going to Las Vegas because I'd never been and turning 30 seemed like a great reason to go, but working out the logistics I was all, "I don't like to gamble, I don't do prostitutes, I can't afford the good shows, and I can't take time off work and all the package deals are for 3 nights/4 days. So LV was bumped for my fave city. New York, New York. I'm starting to get really excited!

So my new mantra for entering my Carlsberg years is "growing as a person." I am not one of those type of people who are ignorant of their flaws. I am very aware of who I really am, but have not particularly been interested in improving upon my (yes, numerous) flaws. I'm going to work on that this decade. However, I need to take baby steps. My first step is to gossip less. I have a serious problem. I cannot keep a secret. Eventually, I will burst, and not always on purpose, but simply because I won't be thinking before talking and the next thing I know, the cat's out of the bag. (I also need to work on not abusing the comma. I have a serious problem with that as well....)

In any case, I'll let you know how it goes. And I have a couple of other theories in the vein of "ugly-funny vs. pretty-dull" that I would like to share with you. But that's for another time.



At 7:58 AM, Blogger a.a. said...

It's funny, you use commas in inappropriate places and don't use them when it makes sense. For e.g., you could have joined 'i have a serious problem' and 'i cannot keep a secret' with a comma. But I am no expert on grammar, so let's just say whatev and move on.

I find I gossip less now cause I do not know many people here and the ones that I do know do not know eachother. Plus, I am not that interested in the lives of many of these people to listen to their gripes. And yet, they all manage to unload their crap on me. I should stop being (pretending to be) so sympathetic.


At 9:47 AM, Blogger highbrow said...

I don't use them in appropriate places. I overuse them. I write run-on sentences. There's a difference. Also, you can join "I have a serious problem" and "I cannot keep a secret" with a colon or semi colon, but since the two statements are not fragments, you cannot splice them together with a mere comma.

Besides, I meant to make two defined statements. I have a serious problem PERIOD. I cannot keep a secret PERIOD. I am not be able to spell, but i know about grammar.

You never really gossiped anyway. You were more of a gossip tease. "I know something about someone but I can't tell you...."

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you kidding, aa is more like, " I know something, but I don't remember what it is...". sound familiar?!?!


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