

That's what I am.

I heard an interesting interview this morning on CBC Radio One. Morning host, Andy Barrie, was interviewing a psychology professor from York University who specializes in procrastination. He said there were two types of procrastinators: 1) those that are anxious about procrastinating and view it as a problem, but since they receive affirmation for their work they do not break their pattern; or 2) "optimistic" procrastinators, those who do not find anything wrong with their behaviour in the first place and are happy with the affirmation based on that type of performance.

I am of the latter variety. I work great under pressure and find no need to change my procrastinating ways. In fact, before I was "Highbrow," you could have found me in cyberspace as "Procrastinate." The professor went on to say that procrastination is starting to be viewed as a serious pychological problem associated with Obssessive-Compulsive Behaviour. BINGO! That totally makes sense, since I also exhibit OCB, just ask anyone who knows me well. And, unfortunately, it is only getting worse with age....

He continued the conversation by adding that when a Perfectionist (me again) crosses behavioural paths with a Procrastinator, the reason the Perfectionist puts off the task at hand is due to the fact that s/he believes that the finished product will not meet expectations: theirs, their superior's, their family's, etc. EXACTLY! That's precisely why I have been putting off cleaning my house!...

If you want to ssscheck out the interview, the sound clip should be posted on their site by tomorrow.

Working right up to the last minute of a deadline gives me such a High


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