Aww Crap! I'm Going To Be A Horrible Mother!
In line with my constant quest for self-revelation, I love to take those stupid online personality quizzes. They are one of my favourite ways to pass the time at [a-hem] work.... I'm pretty sure I've taken almost all of the quizzes on This morning I was online looking up some stuff (vagueness required due to potential Christmas gift idea) and came across the word "Sanguine." It reminded me of middle school when our teacher taught us about the 4 Greek personality types: Sanguine, Melancholy, Choleric and Phlegmatic. Curious, I found an online quiz which evaluates which category you fall under by clicking on the word that describes you best. I promised myself I'd be completely honest - because let's face it, who has not skewed their answers in order to get a more favourable result - and these where my results:I am a Choleric Personality with Melancholy undertones.
Strengths of a Choleric
The Extrovert The Doer The Optimist
The Choleric's Emotions
Born leader; Dynamic and active; Compulsive need for change; Must correct wrongs; Strong-willed and decisive; Unemotional; Not easily discouraged; Independent and self sufficient; Exudes confidence; Can run anything
The Choleric As A Parent
Exerts sound leadership; Establishes Goals; Motivates family to action; Knows the right answer; Organizes household
The Choleric At Work
Goal oriented; Sees the whole picture; Organizes well; Seeks practical solutions; Moves quickly to action; Delegates work; Insists on production; Makes the goal; Stimulates activity; Thrives on opposition
The Choleric As a Friend
Has little need for friends; Will work for group activity; Will lead and organize; Is usually right; Excels in emergencies
Weaknesses of a Choleric
The Extrovert The Doer The Optimist
The Choleric's Emotions
Bossy; Impatient; Quick-tempered; Can't Relax; Too impetuous; Enjoys controversy and arguments; Won't give up when loosing; Comes on too strong; Inflexible; Is not complimentary; Dislikes tears and emotions; Is unsympathetic
The Choleric As A Parent
Tends to over dominate; Too busy for family; Gives answers too quickly; Impatient with poor performance; Won't let children relax; May send them into depression
The Choleric At Work
Little tolerance for mistakes; Doesn't analyze details; Bored by trivia; May make rash decisions; May be rude or tactless; Manipulates people; Demanding of others; End justifies the means; Work may become his god; Demands loyalty in the ranks
The Choleric As a Friend
Tends to use people; Dominates others; Knows everything; Decides for others; Can do everything better; Is to independent; Possessive of friends and mate; Can't say, "I'm Sorry"; May be right, but unpopular
Strengths of a Melancholy
The Introvert The Thinker The Pessimist
The Melancholy's Emotions
Deep and thoughtfully; Analytical; Serious and purposeful; Genius prone; Talented and creative; Artistic or musical; Philosophical and poetic; appreciative of beauty; Sensitive to others; Self-sacrificing; Conscientious; Idealistic
The Melancholy As A Parent
Sets high standards; Wants everything done right; Keeps home in good order; Picks up after children; Sacrifices own will for others; Encourages scholarship and talent
The Melancholy At Work
Schedule oriented; Perfectionist, high standards; Detail conscious; Persistent and thorough; Orderly and organized; Neat and tidy; Economical; Sees the problems; Finds creative solutions; Needs to finish what he starts; Likes charts, graphs, figures, lists
The Melancholy As a Friend
Makes friends cautiously; Content to stay in background; Avoids causing attention; Faithful and devoted; Will listen to complaints; Can solve other's problems; Deep concern for other people; Moved to tears with compassion; Seeks ideal mate
Weakness of a Melancholy
The Introvert The Thinker The Pessimist
The Melancholy's Emotions
Remembers the negatives; Moody and depressed; Enjoys being hurt; Has false humility; Off in another world; Low self-image; Has selective hearing; Self-centered; Too introspective; Guilt feelings; Persecution complex;
Tends to hypochondria
The Melancholy As A Parent
Puts goals beyond reach; May discourage children; May be too meticulous; Becomes martyr; Sulks over disagreements; Puts guilt upon children
The Melancholy At Work
Not people oriented; depressed over imperfections; Chooses difficult work; Hesitant to start projects; Spends to much time planning; Prefers analysis to work; Self-deprecating; Hard to please; Standards often to high; Deep need for approval
The Melancholy As a Friend
Lives through others; Insecure socially; Withdrawn and remote; critical of others; Holds back affections; Dislikes those in opposition; Suspicious of people; Antagonistic and vengeful; Unforgiving; Full of contradictions; Skeptical of compliments
Wow! Kinda scary how right on the button (curling metaphor! never realised it before!) the above descriptions are of my personality. Sure, everyone will always have traits from all 4 types, but still I'm slightly impressed! The quiz only takes a couple of minutes, so if your brave enough to read about all your faults as well as your strengths, click here.
Highbrow quest via
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