A Highbrow Moment
As promised, here is my highbrow observation. (Please note, when I write "highbrow" my tongue is in my cheek.)I think most people can be categorized into 2 types: "Pretty but Dull" OR "Ugly but Funny." Keep in mind that these are extreme generalizations. "Ugly" is anyone who is average looking, and "Dull" should not be mixed up with stupidity or even non-verbal. A "Dull" person can very well be intelligent, insightful and even interesting, they are just not entertaining, nor do they put a genuine, big smile on your face. And yes, before you get all up in arms, I know there are the exceptions to the rule, as there are with every rule, and the "Pretty and Funny" (I personally hate those people! HA!) or "Ugly and Dull" (I feel so sorry for those people! Yes. I am I bitch!) exist; I just think they are a rarity. Oh! And I put the physical attribute before the personality trait because, well, I'm shallow that way!
I'm not even sure why I started using the Pretty-Dull and Ugly-Funny terms. I was talking to SW on the phone one night and made the revelation that all the guys she's dated have been Pretty-Dull, and why is that? Her immediate reaction was, "No they weren't!" But once she got past that knee-jerk indignation, she knew that I was right. "I am trying to change though. I am exploring the dating options with the Ugly-Funnies now." We had come to the realization that as we were getting older we weren't as impressed with the Pretty-Dulls anymore. We want substance. We want something to keep us interested for the long haul. We want some Ugly-Funnies!
(Well, what I really want is HIM and HE's a Pretty-Funny! Curses!)
I just re-read this entry. I really am a shallow and bitter bitch!
This was a
entry disguised as a Highbrow one....
This one's a classic. I can totally imagine you two having this conversation. I do think that there's a higher percentage of 'Ugly and Dull' out there then you think, they are just disguised as 'Ugly and Funny', but only to themselves; others see them as 'Ugly, Dull and Obnoxious'.
You can just be a harsh judge of character. Cuz, c'mon, even the Ugly-Obnoxious are funny in their own way!
Lucky I am the exception; ) and the big O is lucky to be with me: ) ahahahahahahaha!!!! i kill myself: )
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