Okay, how many free games can I download before my computer craps out and I lose all the ligit work I've done?
I have spent the better part of the last 3 days playing free online games at work. I work in a contract position that has its panic periods as well as its dead periods. I'm suffering through one of those dead periods.I know, it sounds like a great job. "I wish all I had to do was play games all day." Let me tell ya, it ain't all peaches and cream. In fact, the minutes cannot go by any slower than when you're playing about 10 different versions of Tetris over and over and over again. Also, I've never had to stare so intently at my monitor before - my eyes are extremely tired and everything looks kind of fuzzy. This has been a major problem because i've lost all peripheral vision making me miss my boss sneaking up behind me and checking up on what I'm "working" on. (I've been busted numerous times over the last 3 days...)
I would much rather be out and about; being productive. I could be better spending my time riding my bicycle, gardening, learning a new language, or taking piano lessons. But who am I kidding with that, right? Realistically, what I would be doing at this moment if I was not at work is laying on my couch watching a re-run of "Everybody Loves Raymond" - an episode I've probably seen over 6 times already - petting my dog with my foot. Niiice image, isn't it?
But alas, no matter what else I could be doing right this second, the truth remains that I am sitting at a messy desk, posting in my blog, keeping an eye out for my boss (i really need to get him a collar with a bell on it...), waiting to answer a phone that might never ring...
Catch ya on the flipside,