
If A Tree Falls In The Forest, Does It Make A Sound?

Some of you who know about the blog, some of the six of you (ha!), have been asking me lately if I've posted any new, well, posts. My reply has been, "Why? Have you read my blog since I first announced it?" The answer is always a resounding NO. So, then I ask you, well, what's the point?

Not so much, "What's the point in my writing in my blog?," as, "What's the point in asking?" Okay, scratch that. I'm lying. Per my usual instinct to blame others before myself, it is actually a little bit, "What's the point in writing?"

I have to admit, most of the joy in writing a blog for me is the knowledge that someone else might be reading it. I like an audience. Pure and Simple. I've always thought that I'd do well writing a column for a fluffy magazine. Forgive my immodesty, but I think I am quite entertaining. I know the 6 of you think it too. Either that, or you're all lying to me! However, you all have also said that it was entertaining because you know me. I write as I speak, so when you read it you hear me reading it to you. I think the ultimate test would be for someone who didn't know me to read the blog and tell me whether or not they thought it was entertaining. Or at least a not-so-horrible way to waste a couple of minutes every day. So, please feel free to spread the word!

When I admit that I want to work for a magazine, people always say, "Well, why don't you?" I always make up excuses (I am a professional excuse-maker! An excuser if you will...), like, "They always ask for a jounalism degree and wild mustangs could not drag me back to school!" Or, "I'm not thaaaat interested...." But what it comes down to is this: Fear. Hmmmm...I guess the best way to describe it is with a "Friends" analogy:
Chandler & Joey tell Rachel that the only way to get out of the comfort zone of working at the coffee house and really go after what she wants, a career in fashion, is to quit her job even though she has no prospects.
Chandler & Joey: You need the FEAR.
Rachel (to Chandler): Well, you work in a job you hate, why don't you quit and get 'the FEAR.'
Chandler: Oh, no, I'm TOO afraid!
Well ladies and gents, I'm Chandler. It's not that I hate my job, I actually like it at times, it's just that I need a change of atmosphere. My problem is that I'm too afraid to move so I'll just sit here, write my blog, and choke on the fog that is my life....



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