
Waiting For Godot

I was driving home from dinner the other night when I got stuck in parade traffic.

Pet Peeve #3: Waiting in line.

I HATE waiting in line, whether it's standing in line for the bank teller or sitting in traffic. It drives me absolutely nuts! Now this seems somewhat out of character for me, n'est pas? I'm a big fat lazy cat that walks about as fast as a fly in molasses, as the saying goes. I'm almost never in any rush to do anything and can easily spend the entire day on my couch watching the tele. I don't even wear a watch for goodness sakes! (I own 5 but never wear any of them. I have a bit of a shopping problem...but that's a whole other set o' blogs....) But for some unfathomable reason the act of waiting turns me into some kind of maniac. I cannot even imagine what those passing me in the opposite direction must have thought. I was screaming at the top of my lungs (I keep the windows closed when I do that. Yes, I've done it more than once...) and banging on the steering wheel (all the while being very careful not to honk the horn....I may have "road rage," but I'm a considerate ragist) and just generally acting like a stark raving lunatic. I can't stand going to the bank or the doctor or ticket box offices. I'm one of those types of people they parody in sit-coms: hopping from one foot to another, leaning over to the side to look around the people in front of me, counting how many people there are before it's my turn, loudly huffing and puffing and sighing, and looking for a clock (because I don't wear my watches) to see how long I've spent waiting in line. Thank god for ATM and debit machines! I still haven't figured out the doctor thing, except to not go unless I really feel I must. I reluctantly meet up with my sister because she is invariably at least 20 minutes late.

This is not to say that I am always on time. In fact, more often than not, I am running late. Others often have to wait for me. I carpool with a co-worker and not once have I been on time picking her up. It just doesn't seem to change the fact that I despise waiting. Waiting releases a rage in me that I rarely show for any other particular reason.

So, to those which I keep waiting, I know how you may be feeling and I am extremely sorry!

Just trying to keep my blood pressure down,


At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how are you keeping the blood pressure down by throwing tantrums, both visible and internal, in 'waiting' situations? freaking out elevates your blood pressure. are you really being a considerate ragist or are you trying to be invisible in your anger and avoid conflict w/ total strangers.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger highbrow said...

You're a loser! Look! You're pissing me off right now! (j/k!)
Immediate venting is better for your blood-pressure then interalizing and bottling.


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