
Prelude To A Recount

Not an original title, I know, but I gave Jon Stewart props by linking it to The Daily Show site.

I don't have much to say on the subject of the US Presidential election except for the following:

1) If Dubbya wins (which it looks like he probably will - the provisional votes in "the new Florida" notwithstanding) I win 2 BUCKS! Woo!Hoo! Now don't get me wrong...I wouldn't vote for Bush myself, I just bet on a sure thing and found a suckah to bet "on hope." In the famous words of Jim Carey, "Loooooooooooooserrr!"


2) What kind of outdated system is the United States of America, arguably the strongest nation in the world (according to their own propaganda), electing their president with?! One candidate may win the popular vote (more than 50% of the voting public want that candidate to represent their country as their Commander-in-Chief) but can still lose the election by not garnering enough Electoral College votes. How is this fair??? How does this make everyone's vote of equal value? Checks and Balances, my ass!

In truth, and in typical Lowbrow fashion, I don't give a shite which moron wins Ohio. Either way (and don't be fooled...both ways are pretty much the same way) it won't make a difference in the long run. Neither candidate seems like they will make a profound impact on US history. Even the War On Terror is really a continuation of what Junior's daddy started back in the early 90s. I think it's safe to say that neither George Jr. nor JFK (ed. note: I luff the way he's banking on his initals being the same as another, but much beloved, Democrat) will turnout to be a Washington, a Lincoln, a Roosevelt - Teddy or Frankie D. - or a "real" JFK. Either way, let's just say I'm glad I'm a Canadian because we have no military to speak of to be drafted into which wouldn't matter anyway because God blessed me with flatfeet and I've heard a rumor you can't be a soldier if you have that particular ailment.

Whatev. I, obviously, don't carry a High esteem for either candidate. If anyone or thing is
it would be the sad choice that the US voting public has been left with in the 2004 election.

Hmmmm...I guess I had more to say than originally anticipated on the subject....


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