
Inspired Again?

My friend, the only one that has ever posted in my blog, has moved across the world and landed herself in Japan. Currently unemployed, it seems she's spending all of her time on the web and has started her own blog (http://theperfectnoodle.blogspot.com). Reading her entries it made me realize just how different we are. When I was recently between gigs, being on the computer was the last thing I wanted to do. The only reason I blog is in order to procrastinate while I am at work. In fact, the last time I posted an entry was when I was still on my last job. The inital thrill of it all dissipated just as I had anticipated in my first entry. T, on the other hand, uses the internet as an enjoyable way to pass free time. She writes about important issues, cultural differences between the East and the West, and uses the comments section to debate points made in her entries with other bloggers using the Socratic Method. I bitch.

Bitching is one of the things I do best. Hey, I know my faults. I know I am not the perfect human being. But that doesn't stop me from bitching about others and the way they piss me off. For example, I recently started my newest project, (My pal "S" says I should just tell you what I do, but one of my faults is a boarderline serious neurosis that is part minor paranoia that people at work will find out I'm constantly bitching about people at work...In fact, writing this blog while I'm at work is highly riskly b/c of the open-concept office space...) and, I put it upon myself (don't ask my why...) to take our trainee under my wing and show her the ropes of my job.

As it turns out I don't have the patience to teach her where the ropes are, let alone what to do with them.... I should have just re-read my blog to remind me of that fact.

Nevertheless, I asked her to do a task and attempt to figure out how to accomplish that task without me telling her precisely how to do it. The reason for this was twofold: 1) I wanted to see her thought process. I wanted to see what she considered were the important elements to complete the task. 2) I don't want a "Mini-Me." She should be her own person, with her own way of accomplishing projects, and bring her own strength and talents to the job. I don't want this to be a case of "Single White Female." (Bad Bridget Fonda movie.) But I became belligerent and the fustration I felt lay with the following comment, "But I don't know what I should do because you're not telling me how to do it." ARRGH! That's the freakin' point, sistah!

Aww dang! I started with a possible "high" entry but ended up with a "low" one....

High v. Low


At 10:23 AM, Blogger a.a. said...

You would not be you if you did not b*tch. I would think it was a stranger writing and ask what happened to my friend.

As to the trainee, there are those who are not as bright-eyed and bushy tailed as you, so step-by-step instructions may be needed.


At 10:45 AM, Blogger highbrow said...

ARRGH! That's all I have to say about those types of people. If this offends anyone b/c you are of that type, well, too bad!


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