
You Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round

Ever get a song stuck in your head? And no matter what you do you can't seem to get it out?

Well, I would love to be able to attach the .wav file of the song in my head and infect all of you with my personal hell, but I do not have the technological savvy. Instead, I'll just do it the old fashioned way and tell you what it is:

The Muppet Show theme song!

For those of you who don't remember what that sounds like, you can download it, and other tunes, here. (Heh...Heh...Heh...)

It time to play the music, It's time to light the lights...

It's time to hold my head up High and blow my brains out Low


Craft Service

That's what they call the munchies they have in a truck ("the craft truck") on a set in the movie biz. I don't know why they call it that. Nobody seems to know.

At my work, they sometimes have muffins or bagels for brekkie.
Pet Peeve #5: People who refuse to take a full muffin/bagel to eat. I come in and, okay, maybe I can make peace with the muffin/bagel that is cut in half, but when you only cut a quarter off?! C'mon! What the heck is that all about?!

Anyhoo, I was making myself "dinner" (everything bagel with cheddar - ooh T! Don't you miss bagels?!), when I realized that someone had voraciously ripped through the bottom of the bag, instead of spending that extra second(!) to take one from the top where there is a pre-cut hole. How did I find this out? When I lifted the full bag of bagels to tie it shut and they all fell out the bottom.... Really, what is it about people that make them totally forget all of their good manners when they have to share a kitchen at the office?

I just stuck the bagels back in the bag and left it on the counter. Was that wrong?

Yup, that's just plain ol'
of me.


Watch Out For Those Claws!

Just tried to Google myself again. No luck so far! Stupid bastards!

Whoa! Where did that unnecessary abusive comment come from?! Oh! It must be an effect of a "lunar" syndrome.... Actually, Goggle is not the only one wounded by my claws. Early this morn, my boss was also stratched. He asked me an innocent question, "When is the photocopier going to be fixed." Next thing I know, he's limping away all bloody and I have absolutely no recollection of what just transpired. Okay, so that is a typical Highbrow exaggeration, but I was pretty vicious nonetheless. I kinda felt bad about it afterward, yet, not so bad that I bothered to apologize. Ah, what's the point? Seems like anything he has to say could set me off again anyway.... I love that character in the movie "Mystery Men" when they are interviewing for additional superheros to join their cause - PMS Girl or something like that. She only works 2 weeks out of the month! Hot Double Damn! That would be suh-weeeet!

Woo!Hoo! The official "Loser Curling" season begins on Saturday! Sorry aa (I always associate that with Alcoholics Annonymous), I mean T. First you miss out on Turkey Day and now curling. Instead, your battling typhoons and living in a country where the youth are getting together online only to meet and commit mass suicide in cars....

How's that for bringing you down