
2:17AM Is Waaaaayyy Past My Bedtime!

But I just wanted to wish you all a very happy Christmas on this cold winters eve.

I'm unemployed yet again, but unlike my "Japanese" counterpart, I don't spend every waking moment on the 'puter when I'm at home. So sorry in advance to all my fans (yes, I'm talking to all 6 of you!) but if you thought I wasn't consistant enough before, you're in for a cold and lonely winter my friends!

Nothing new to report except I'm am getting over my cold, I spent too much on Christmas gifts that I'm not 100% satisfied with but have left everything until the last minute and therefore beggers can't be choosers (I didn't spend as much as usual, but more than I intended for this year due to the aforementioned unemployment issue), and I must venture out into the horrible weather we've been experiencing (I was soaked to the bone today due to the freezing rain!) on Christmas Eve one last time! Bah Humbug!

This is a new experience for me. Usually, I excel at the holidays. I'm the type of person who mails out card on the 1st of December, has all the gifts bought, wrapped and under the tree by the 15th, and still has time to bake cookies and indulge in some Christmas crafts. This year, for some reason I just never got into the Christmas spirit. I didn't even buy a tree! Heavens to Betsy! And it is usually SW who's all Scrooged out, but this year she's actually looking forward to the big day! It feels like that Seinfeld ep where George decides to do the exact opposite of every natural impluse and he and Elaine switch "lives." (No, I'm not calling SW "George.")

Well, on that peppy note, I still wish the best of the Holiday Season for all. A special shout-out to my shorty T - I will try and eat enough cranberry sauce and stuffing for the both of us.

In the famous words of that guy that wrote "The Night Before Christmas,"
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Peace & Love from the both of us,
High and Lowbrow


Aww Crap! I'm Going To Be A Horrible Mother!

In line with my constant quest for self-revelation, I love to take those stupid online personality quizzes. They are one of my favourite ways to pass the time at [a-hem] work.... I'm pretty sure I've taken almost all of the quizzes on web.tickle.com. This morning I was online looking up some stuff (vagueness required due to potential Christmas gift idea) and came across the word "Sanguine." It reminded me of middle school when our teacher taught us about the 4 Greek personality types: Sanguine, Melancholy, Choleric and Phlegmatic. Curious, I found an online quiz which evaluates which category you fall under by clicking on the word that describes you best. I promised myself I'd be completely honest - because let's face it, who has not skewed their answers in order to get a more favourable result - and these where my results:

I am a Choleric Personality with Melancholy undertones.
Strengths of a Choleric
The Extrovert The Doer The Optimist
The Choleric's Emotions
Born leader; Dynamic and active; Compulsive need for change; Must correct wrongs; Strong-willed and decisive; Unemotional; Not easily discouraged; Independent and self sufficient; Exudes confidence; Can run anything
The Choleric As A Parent
Exerts sound leadership; Establishes Goals; Motivates family to action; Knows the right answer; Organizes household
The Choleric At Work
Goal oriented; Sees the whole picture; Organizes well; Seeks practical solutions; Moves quickly to action; Delegates work; Insists on production; Makes the goal; Stimulates activity; Thrives on opposition
The Choleric As a Friend
Has little need for friends; Will work for group activity; Will lead and organize; Is usually right; Excels in emergencies
Weaknesses of a Choleric
The Extrovert The Doer The Optimist
The Choleric's Emotions
Bossy; Impatient; Quick-tempered; Can't Relax; Too impetuous; Enjoys controversy and arguments; Won't give up when loosing; Comes on too strong; Inflexible; Is not complimentary; Dislikes tears and emotions; Is unsympathetic
The Choleric As A Parent
Tends to over dominate; Too busy for family; Gives answers too quickly; Impatient with poor performance; Won't let children relax; May send them into depression
The Choleric At Work
Little tolerance for mistakes; Doesn't analyze details; Bored by trivia; May make rash decisions; May be rude or tactless; Manipulates people; Demanding of others; End justifies the means; Work may become his god; Demands loyalty in the ranks
The Choleric As a Friend
Tends to use people; Dominates others; Knows everything; Decides for others; Can do everything better; Is to independent; Possessive of friends and mate; Can't say, "I'm Sorry"; May be right, but unpopular

Strengths of a Melancholy
The Introvert The Thinker The Pessimist
The Melancholy's Emotions
Deep and thoughtfully; Analytical; Serious and purposeful; Genius prone; Talented and creative; Artistic or musical; Philosophical and poetic; appreciative of beauty; Sensitive to others; Self-sacrificing; Conscientious; Idealistic
The Melancholy As A Parent
Sets high standards; Wants everything done right; Keeps home in good order; Picks up after children; Sacrifices own will for others; Encourages scholarship and talent
The Melancholy At Work
Schedule oriented; Perfectionist, high standards; Detail conscious; Persistent and thorough; Orderly and organized; Neat and tidy; Economical; Sees the problems; Finds creative solutions; Needs to finish what he starts; Likes charts, graphs, figures, lists
The Melancholy As a Friend
Makes friends cautiously; Content to stay in background; Avoids causing attention; Faithful and devoted; Will listen to complaints; Can solve other's problems; Deep concern for other people; Moved to tears with compassion; Seeks ideal mate
Weakness of a Melancholy
The Introvert The Thinker The Pessimist
The Melancholy's Emotions
Remembers the negatives; Moody and depressed; Enjoys being hurt; Has false humility; Off in another world; Low self-image; Has selective hearing; Self-centered; Too introspective; Guilt feelings; Persecution complex;
Tends to hypochondria
The Melancholy As A Parent
Puts goals beyond reach; May discourage children; May be too meticulous; Becomes martyr; Sulks over disagreements; Puts guilt upon children
The Melancholy At Work
Not people oriented; depressed over imperfections; Chooses difficult work; Hesitant to start projects; Spends to much time planning; Prefers analysis to work; Self-deprecating; Hard to please; Standards often to high; Deep need for approval
The Melancholy As a Friend
Lives through others; Insecure socially; Withdrawn and remote; critical of others; Holds back affections; Dislikes those in opposition; Suspicious of people; Antagonistic and vengeful; Unforgiving; Full of contradictions; Skeptical of compliments

Wow! Kinda scary how right on the button (curling metaphor! never realised it before!) the above descriptions are of my personality. Sure, everyone will always have traits from all 4 types, but still I'm slightly impressed! The quiz only takes a couple of minutes, so if your brave enough to read about all your faults as well as your strengths, click here.

Highbrow quest via


A Highbrow Moment

As promised, here is my highbrow observation. (Please note, when I write "highbrow" my tongue is in my cheek.)

I think most people can be categorized into 2 types: "Pretty but Dull" OR "Ugly but Funny." Keep in mind that these are extreme generalizations. "Ugly" is anyone who is average looking, and "Dull" should not be mixed up with stupidity or even non-verbal. A "Dull" person can very well be intelligent, insightful and even interesting, they are just not entertaining, nor do they put a genuine, big smile on your face. And yes, before you get all up in arms, I know there are the exceptions to the rule, as there are with every rule, and the "Pretty and Funny" (I personally hate those people! HA!) or "Ugly and Dull" (I feel so sorry for those people! Yes. I am I bitch!) exist; I just think they are a rarity. Oh! And I put the physical attribute before the personality trait because, well, I'm shallow that way!

I'm not even sure why I started using the Pretty-Dull and Ugly-Funny terms. I was talking to SW on the phone one night and made the revelation that all the guys she's dated have been Pretty-Dull, and why is that? Her immediate reaction was, "No they weren't!" But once she got past that knee-jerk indignation, she knew that I was right. "I am trying to change though. I am exploring the dating options with the Ugly-Funnies now." We had come to the realization that as we were getting older we weren't as impressed with the Pretty-Dulls anymore. We want substance. We want something to keep us interested for the long haul. We want some Ugly-Funnies!

(Well, what I really want is HIM and HE's a Pretty-Funny! Curses!)

I just re-read this entry. I really am a shallow and bitter bitch!

This was a
entry disguised as a Highbrow one....


Zorched. Beat. Just Plain Tired.

I'm killing myself over this obsession I have with this particular celebrity! The night I got my pic taken with him I was home and in bed by 2AM and, to my "delight," my alarm woke me up at 5AM for work. Last night was the last day of shooting for the movie that he is working on, and I just couldn't resist seeing him one last time, so I zipped on over there after I finished work at 7PM. As soon as I got there I was given a great surprise! My friends had printing out my pic as an 8"x10" glossy and had just gotten HIM to sign it. He's got pretty bad penmanship (writes like a boy) and we can't really make out what it says. One woman thinks it says "I L U" for I Love You, and despite my earnest wishes, I think it says "Thanks." They got their last shot about 1/2 an hour after I arrived and then came the speeches, the thank yous and the champagne(!). As we walked off the stage I passed through the door with my crush I seriously FREAKED OUT! I got so nervous that once we passed through the doorway I had to walk in the opposite direction even though that didn't lead anywhere....

Since I had come directly from work, I did not have dinner. Thus, that glass of champagne when straight to my head! (Cheap drunk, I know!) I was standing there talking to friends, and he was there talking to a couple of people in front of me. I was laughing, generally having a good time when I feel someone's hand on my back pushing me forward, like when you're at a bar and someone wants to pass by you. Well, this person just keeps pushing without passing by and I'm wondering what the f**k? I look behind me and it's one of my friends trying to push me into HIM! I would have been soooooo embarrassed if I actually bumped into him! People were talking to him, and he was so friendly, but I just couldn't muster up the nerve to go up to him. My mind totally freezes up when I'm next to him! It was worse this time than the last time!

It was announced that after the champagne and appetizers some of the cast & crew were going to meet for drinks at a local pub called the Madison. (Affectionately known as the "Maddie.") I immediately called around to see who would be up for going with me, because the friend that works on the movie wasn't going to go and I was not about to go by myself! I called a couple of friends who declines leaving their warm homes late on a work night and was almost at a loss when EUREKA! I called my newly engaged friend SYN, not to ask her if she wanted to be my date, but if I could borrow her fiance for the evening. The Big O is a great guy. He can talk to anyone and everyone and be totally at ease and more importantly he makes the person he is talking to feel at ease. Purrrr-fect! He can strike up a conversation with my crush and I can sit idly by with a goofy grin on my face! I coaxed The Big O out with promises of free beer (which I find out afterwards that I didn't have to pay for because one of the producers was picking up the tab! Crrrap!) and we headed out on the town. My crush finally showed up at about 12:15AM looking as adorable as ever and walked over to the bar, and sat down on the stool beside me. The Big O was going to start up a conversation with something to the effect of "I have no idea who you are," but more eloquently as he points out. Nevertheless, I stopped him from speaking to him, so like the good boy he is, The Big O went back to his beer. (One of which he knocked over and broke his pint glass! I swear, I was near it but did not cause it this time!!) At one point, The Big O pointed over my shoulder and I was gullible enough to look and HE was right next to me. I didn't expect him to be that close and almost started hyperventilating! He got up to mingle and I stayed put. At one point a woman I know ran over and told me that he'd squeezed her breast. Apparently, there was talk around the production as to whether they were real or not. She said to another guy that they were real so, as a joke, he and HE both copped a feel and were all, "Yup, you're right. They are real." Dang! Some girls get all the luck! He eventually made his way to the back room and sat with a couple of producer-types so I got my last look at him and left to drive a bored-looking trooper of a guy home to his finacee's warm bed.

I got home and in bed by 2:15AM and guess what? That's right! To my "delight," my alarm went off at 5:00AM this morning! In a way I'm glad HE's out of my life because I need some freakin' rest!

So if anyone of you watched "Gilmore Girls" this week, you'll know what I mean when I say December 2nd is forevermore Highbrow's Dark Day. Keep it on the
my babies!