Bears Do it, So Why Can't We?
As JS so kindly pointed out, yesterday's entry blew! Cut me some slack, okay? I was under great pressure to perform and in the end I guess, just like "most men," I couldn't close the deal. But c'mon! The link to the dancing baby? That's gotta be worth something!
We changed caterers at work this week, and I'm certain that they must put somethin' a lil' extra in the food because all week, around this time, I start to fall asleep at my desk. I just can't keep my eyes open. Heck! I'm falling alseep right nowwwwwwww...zzzzzz...
Huh, wha? Oh, right. I suppose it could also be the change in weather. Autumn is upon us, which is my fave season, but the colder temperatures make me want to hibernate. Getting up at 5:30 in the summer is much different than getting up at 5:30 in the fall. My opinion is: if the sun ain't shining, we weren't mean to be awake. (Un)Fortunately, I have to walk the dog and the brisk autumn air is enough to kick start even my lazy-ass day.
They need to open up a Starbucks that opens at 5:00AM near me!
I need a High because I feel so
I just looked up the lyrics to Queen's "Under Pressure," but they do not actually reflect my topic.... Oh, well, here goes....
Pressure from Work: Work is super crazy. We've undergone some "restructuring" so that increases my personal workload by about 150%. That's not a bad thing, I suppose. It keeps me busy, fuh suhr, but still sucks big ones. I don't really know what I meant there...Chalk it up to the stress.... Actually, I can't be all that busy if I've wasted today on personal e-mails, picking new ringtones for my new mobile
("In Da Club" "Charlie's Angels Theme" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind Theme"), and writing this entry. Or maybe, just maybe, they've finally broken me and I simply cannot go on. Nah, it's definitely the not-really-too-busy thing. However, I do work a standard 12 hour day, so to be busy with actual work every single minute would be "super crazy."
Pressure from Friends: (Speaking of "Friends," you can now pre-order the 8th complete season on DVD at
Amazon! Woo!Hoo! Okay, so I'm the
only one excited about that....) This comes from all sides! When are you going to update your blog? Plan my wedding for me. No, do it for me! Actually,
I jest. I like this kind of pressure. If my friends didn't keep asking me when I was posting next, I probably wouldn't keep up this blog. And regarding the wedding planning, well as T put it,
JLo's got nothin' on me! It's like a hobby for me. I figure if I'm going to be on the internet all day anyway, I might as well do something useful with my time.
Pressure from Parents: Speaking of weddings, when is mine going to be? Good question. If you figure out the answer
please call my parents and let them know. Their dying to find out!
Pressure from Myself:
Tick, tick, tick...
Pet Peeve #4:
Google. Don't get me wrong. The only search engine I use is Google. (Insert giant "BUT" here) It doesn't show my blog*spot as a result for a search containing words in my addy. This wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't already know Google ran Blogger! MSN & Yahoo! had me in their system in a matter of hours (okay, days), but my boss, so to speak, don't know me from Adam! Actually, I'm not being fair...Goggle started to list me as a result, unfortunately I also decided to change my url, so now I'm back to square one! Grrrr! Makes me so angry you might as well call me Calico Jenny Rackhem! (Sorry, inside joke. Take this
quiz and then you'll be in on it too!)
Confucius Says: Pressure's like caffeine. First you feel High then crash
Game Match Point
I stumbled across this
silly site where you can find out who your top celebrity matches are or how well you match up with your choice of actor/actress. It's based solely on your birthdate. I guess they call it "biorhythms." But it's total bunk b/c these were my matches:
Ali G 99%
Nick Lachey 98%
Winston Gerschtanowitz 98%
Seann William Scott 98%
Aaron Stanford 98%
Firstly, who the heck are Winston and Aaron? Are these people celebrities? And secondly, Ali G?! Are you kidding me?! (Right now, SW and JS are laughin' it up!) Try it out at you'll see how ridiculous it is. It literally takes only 1 minute if that.
Get Off My Back, Already!
People, okay, one person, have complained that I have not posted enough lately. Well, I gotta work or else how's a girl gonna buy a new pair of shoes? But this aft, the cats are away, so I will play.
Problem is, I don't have anything to write about. Well, there have been 2 things I could have written about, but I've already sent (some of) you an e-mail regarding those topics - e.g. E-mailing back and forth and back and forth and back and forth again amongst a group of close friends is universal and not unique to my "Joy Luck Club." Also, on how I'm getting fed up with certain people I work with. Otherwise, it's all about the work, bebes!
I've also been working on a script. Since I've already mentioned that you can find me on the Internet Movie Database, that shouldn't be a surprise to any of you. We're all working on scripts, and yes, the cliche is true, we all want to direct too. At this point, it is still mostly in my head, but I've been writing down notes as I think of important details. I
have to because my mind is a sieve! I've been trying to write something - a novel, a script - for over 5 years now, but I usually just start writing without a full formed idea in my head. I'm great with beginnings, and okay with the ends, but i really suck at middles. Therefore, this time I'm taking my time. I want it to be more than just a "concept" before I get to the serious task of writing the first draft. I want a story. That might be asking a little too much out of person who can't even commit to keeping up a simple blog, but there is alway hope.
See you sitting High up in the stands while I'm down on the red carpet really
Waxing Poetic
After going on and on about it,
Wimbleton wasn't all that great. Paul Bettany rocks though! On the flipside,
Garden State was pretty darn good. My man Braff is pretty darn talented.
Just cruisin' the blogger sites and came across this very funny premise! A guy found a digital camera memory chip in a taxi. He's downloading one a day with descriptions of the photos as if he were the owner of the camera!
Check it out if you have the time.
Just plain ol'
40 - Love
At this rate, that's how old I'll be before I find it...(sniff!) But enough self-pity.
Wimbledon opens. (Click
here for local listings.) I'm excited because I like Kirsten Dunst, I really like Paul Bettany, but most of all, I'm excited because I luuuuuuuuuv a good romantic-comedy! A good romantic-comedy is very hard to come by these days. There was a real dry period about 5 years ago when sometimes the couple wouldn't even get together at the end! e.g.
My Best Friend's Wedding,
The Next Best Thing and
The Object of My Affection. But I have high hopes for this one because it is well casted and it is made by the makers of
Notting Hill. They don't make the greatest romantic-comedies, but they usually make decent ones. My fave of all time is
When Harry Met Sally. I re-watched a couple of years ago thinking it probably wasn't as great as I remembered it, but it was! It hasn't gotten cheesy and dated like a lot of movies, except for wardrobe, but there's not really anything you can do about that with a "present-day movie." Testiment to good writing! Nora Ephron and Meg Ryan. Always a winning combination!
But I digress, I'm going to watch a late show tonight with my pal JS. I hope it's not packed with "date-movie-people." I occasionally go to watch movies by myself, (I know that some people find that strange, but I get to watch whatever I want and whenever I want. I used to watch 1-2 movies a week and when you watch that many of them it is hard to find someone who'll watch all of them with you.), and one of those movies was
The Truth About Cats and Dogs. It was opening night, and I'd decided to go watch a late show on the spur of the moment. It was a sold out show. It was sold out with couples. It was very awkward.
And on a different note, until I had to spell it above, I had no idea it was wimBLEdon. I've been pronouncing it wrong all my life....
Here's to hoping the movie leaves me a High and not a
If you click on the title of this entry, it will take you to my other blog. I almost never write in this other journal. I keep it around "just in case." Of what, you ask? Only the deepest part of my psyche knows the answer to that question....
Is it High or Lowbrow to Procrastin8?
Calling Dr. Dorian
As you know, (because, seriously, who am I kidding? Only 3 of my closest friends read this blog...So sad!), I have celebrity crushes the way a Boston Terrier takes a poop in the house! (Shout out, LHC!) So I thought I'd spread the news of a new crush just seconds after it was initialized on the world wide web:
Zach Braff!!! Come Awwwwwwn Dowwwn!
For those of you who don't know who he is, Zach Braff plays the lead character of Dr. John (JD) Dorian on the tv show
Scrubs. For those of you who don't watch as much tv as I do (which is probably, um, ALL of you...) here is his IMDB filmography:
(While your there you can check out my filmography as well! Oops! I've left a clue as to what I do professionally!)
My infatuation began even before I knew it would come to exist. My pal JS had me read an
article she found in the Toronto Star about celebrity blog sites. Now that Hollywood's caught on to the trend, I guess blogging is considered "
fashionable." Anyhoo. They rated the sites and the reviewer gave Braff top marks. Since the brass is out, I decided to check it out. You can too at:
http://www2.foxsearchlight.com/gardenstate/blog/ (He's promoting his new movie
Garden State.)
I think I luff him!
Riding High on Cloud 9,

Stanky Dawg!
My overactive imagination thought there was a dying rodent in my walls. Reality determined it was just my stanky dawg!
Keeping my schnoz High rather than
Riding The Crimson Wave
A couple of weeks ago, I was telling my coworkers a story about a man I'd worked with in the past. He'd admitted to me that he used to keep a calendar of his wife's "monthlies" in order to keep clear of her during the week before it hit.
Loathsome, I know.
He continued to relay to me about how one month it was particularly bad and, by golly, he could prove it! He made the
bad move of whipping out the calendar and showing it to his wife. Understandably, she got even more pissed than she already was. I say understandable because, well, I understand. I can empathize with this woman, as my male co-workers could empathize with this man.
But there is the one woman who said she couldn't understand the wife's reaction. I think it's because she believes that she, for one, does not experience this "mythical" premenstrual syndrome.
Well, ladies and gents, guess who everyone in the office is tip toeing around this week....
High Low High Low High Low
(Mood swings. One of the symptoms...)
Signing Off
One of my pals looks forward to the ends of my posts, where I try to creatively sign off. I just realized I didn't do my usual closing credit in my last entry, so I'll do it now, (For you JS):
On a 2nd floor High, hoping
not to end on a 1st floor
I woke up very early this morning (2:30AM) and I don't know why, but I started thinking about how my house may come crashing down to the ground at any given moment! So today I am very tired because, understandably, I couldn't fall back asleep.
Let me explain....
A couple of years ago I bought house. The house I bought is about 90 years old. I had originally been looking at lofts, but couldn't find what I wanted for the price I could afford. I finally gave in and decided to look at some houses. Upon viewing my 5th house, I knew I'd found my first home. The owner before me had been renting out the property for over 10 years. After his last tenant left, and having recently remarried, he decided to renovate and sell the house. The house is a typical downtown, 2 story, semi-detatched, brick house on a small lot. What really sold me on the property was what he'd done to the first floor. Typically, in a house such as mine, first floor is broken up into 3 tiny rooms. The living room, the dining room and the kitchen. The previous owner knocked out all of these walls creating a true open concept living space. It was like living in a loft-like space, but, in a house. The second floor is still 3 tiny bedrooms and a bathroom, which actually works well for me (master bedroom, office and BIG "walk-in closet"!!), but my decision to buy the house was really all about the main floor. A decision that is now keeping me up at nights!
As I recently posted, I am neurotic. For some reason, when I awoke early this morn, I started to think "What if he knocked down a load bearing wall?!" I tried to push it out of my mind and go back to sleep, but alas, it was too late. The evil seed was planted! So, instead, I got out of my warm bed and proceeded to run around the house checking for damage. I rooted out my home inspection binder and reviewed was he had to say about the wall removal. (Nothing to note, but I was not convinced!) And by the time I got back into bed (gingerly, i might add, trying to keep my full weight off the bed...Neurotic. Don't say I didn't warn you!) there was only an hour left before I had to get up to walk my dog.
I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep again!
Eye Candy
What is it that is so appealing about a guy, or gal for that matter, who's got really dark brown/black hair and bright blue eyes?
"The New Guy" started in the office today and he has this uncommon colour combination. He is maybe slightly cuter than your average looking male, but I still find myself drooling just a little whenever he's around. He doesn't have a great body, and his face is a sweet-cute rather than a hot-cute, but the dark hair and the light eyes gets me everytime. It's getting rather pathetic actually. I find that when I'm initially attracted to a guy I can't seem to look him in the eye. (Un)Fortunately, we work closely together; so whenever he comes over to ask me a question, I look at his forehead or soul patch or just over his shoulder. Sometimes I'll tell myself to stop acting silly and force myself to look him in the eye, but I can't sustain eye-contact and quickly look away.
He must think I'm an odd duck, indeed!
Hot Damn! I need a man! But that's an entirely different rant....
Looking Low
Think Pink!
In honour of T embracing the power of pink, I too have changed the look of my blog.
You go grrl!
(I can't pull that off, can I?)
I am actually not a "pink personality," I am "black." Surprise, surprise.... You can find out what your colour is on the tickle network:
Dees One Goes Owwt To My Leettle Frend
A shout out to JS for the suggestion of today's entry topic.
I work in a wonderful world where they cater lunch for the office everyday. That lunch comes with dessert which is easily my most favouritist part of a meal. This week, so far, we have had Nanaimo Bars (for those who don't know what these delectible treats are, I feel extremely sorry for you! It's one of those Canadian things... http://www.city.nanaimo.bc.ca/visitors/index_inside.asp?id=189&parent=7&sub_collection=11), Carrot Cake, Strawberry Mousse, and today it was Fudge Brownies!!! Mmmmmmmmmm...Brownies...
Before I go on, I think I need to tell you that I am a woman of extremes! I am either hot or cold, but never lukewarm.
To date, I have eaten 3 peoples share of dessert every day this week. JS tells me to eat in moderation. I look confused, like I've never heard that word before and am not exactly sure what it means. Why would I only eat 1 bite-sized square of chocolate when I could eat 8?
I know I sound crazy, but don't worry about me. I've been "balancing" it out by skipping dinner completely. [wink! smile!]
Sugar High and Crashing
Check 1, 2, 3, Check
Just trying to learn the basics.... Lesson #1: Adding a link to a blog entry.
For entertainment industry news with an edge, try:
Thanks T, for helping out a stupid friend.
Jus' trying to keep a
Inspired Again?
My friend, the only one that has ever posted in my blog, has moved across the world and landed herself in Japan. Currently unemployed, it seems she's spending all of her time on the web and has started her own blog (
http://theperfectnoodle.blogspot.com). Reading her entries it made me realize just how different we are. When I was recently between gigs, being on the computer was the last thing I wanted to do. The only reason I blog is in order to procrastinate while I am at work. In fact, the last time I posted an entry was when I was still on my last job. The inital thrill of it all dissipated just as I had anticipated in my first entry. T, on the other hand, uses the internet as an enjoyable way to pass free time. She writes about important issues, cultural differences between the East and the West, and uses the comments section to debate points made in her entries with other bloggers using the Socratic Method. I bitch.
Bitching is one of the things I do best. Hey, I know my faults. I know I am not the perfect human being. But that doesn't stop me from bitching about others and the way they piss me off. For example, I recently started my newest project, (My pal "S" says I should just tell you what I do, but one of my faults is a boarderline serious neurosis that is part minor paranoia that people at work will find out I'm constantly bitching about people at work...In fact, writing this blog while I'm at work is highly riskly b/c of the open-concept office space...) and, I put it upon myself (don't ask my why...) to take our trainee under my wing and show her the ropes of my job.
As it turns out I don't have the patience to teach her where the ropes are, let alone what to do with them.... I should have just re-read my blog to remind me of that fact.
Nevertheless, I asked her to do a task and attempt to figure out how to accomplish that task without me telling her precisely how to do it. The reason for this was twofold: 1) I wanted to see her thought process. I wanted to see what she considered were the important elements to complete the task. 2) I don't want a "Mini-Me." She should be her own person, with her own way of accomplishing projects, and bring her own strength and talents to the job. I don't want this to be a case of "Single White Female." (Bad Bridget Fonda movie.) But I became belligerent and the fustration I felt lay with the following comment, "But I don't know what I should do because you're not telling me how to do it." ARRGH! That's the freakin' point, sistah!
Aww dang! I started with a possible "high" entry but ended up with a "low" one....
High v. Low